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The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued a cease-and-desist order on February 19, 2015 against SEC-registered Logical Wealth Management, Inc. and owner, Daniel J. Gopen, (together, “Respondents”).  The list of violations the SEC found the Respondents committed is extensive and includes improper registration, compliance, and recordkeeping. The SEC found the Respondents exaggerated their assets under management in order to register with the SEC, falsely reported their place of business as Wyoming, a state in which advisers are not regulated, and did not have compliance policies and procedures in place or books and records available to the SEC.  The SEC has ordered the Respondents to cease and desist, revoked Logical Wealth’s registration, barred Mr. Gopen from any advisory activity and imposed a $25,000 civil penalty.

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We want to remind you of your firm’s annual investment adviser registration amendment (Form ADV annual amendment) which must be filed on the IARD system on or before March 31, 2015.  This deadline applies to all SEC and State registered advisers as well as Exempt Reporting Advisers (ERAs) with a December 31, 2014 fiscal year end.

Please let us know as soon as you can if you need our assistance in preparing and submitting your Form ADV annual amendment filing this year.

Also, for SEC registered advisers and ERAs, please note that your annual IARD fee must be paid before you can submit your annual amendment.  The fees are based on your firm’s regulatory assets under management as follows:

Regulatory Assets
Under Management
Registration Fee
Annual Updating
Amendment Fee
$100 million or more $225 $225
$25 million to $100 million $150 $150
Less than $25 million $40 $40
SEC Exempt Reporting Adviser $150 $150

To view FINRA’s current IARD Account Payment Methods and Addresses, please click HERE.

If you or your compliance officer is handling your Form ADV filing and you would like us to review your drafts, please feel free to contact us also.

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The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) charged Charles L. Hill Jr. with insider trading in connection with his purchase of shares of Radiant Systems stock the day before a merger was announced. Mr. Hill became aware of the material non-public information through a friend who obtained the information from his close friend, the Radiant COO. Mr. Hill had made no equity purchases in over four years before buying $2.2 million of Radiant stock before the announcement. The day after the merger was announced Mr. Hill sold his entire equity interest for a profit of approximately $744,000. In the eyes of the SEC, trading on material nonpublic information learned from a third party is no different from trading on information received directly from an insider.

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Certain Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) exemptions require annual affirmation, including CPO exemptions under Regulation 4.5, 4.13(a)(1), 4.13(a)(2), 4.13(a)(3), and 4.13(a)(5) and CTA exemptions under Regulation 4.14(a)(8). If you rely on one of these exemptions, you must affirm the annual claim of exemption by March 2, 2015 using the NFA Exemptions website.

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The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) recently released its annual examination priorities.  In 2015, OCIE will focus on three primary “themes” involving broker-dealers, investment advisers and transfer agents:

  1. Retail Investors – OCIE will look at important matters for retail investors and investors preparing for retirement including whether the products, advice, services and information being offered to them is consistent with current laws, rules and regulations;
  2. Market-Wide Risks – this is a broad theme which focuses on structural risks and trends involving whole industries or multiple firms; and
  3. Data Analytics – OCIE continues to increase its ability to analyze large amounts of data to identify registrants that may be conducting illegal activity.

Retail Investors – Advisers to retail investors and investors saving for retirement will be scrutinized by the SEC in 2015. The OCIE will assess fee selection where the adviser offers a variety of fee arrangements as well as reverse churning. Further, where advisers recommend moving retirement assets from employer-sponsored plans into other investments or accounts, OCIE will examine whether the sales practices used were improper or misleading. OCIE will also be reviewing the suitability of complex or structured products and higher yield securities and how well representatives in branch offices are being supervised by the home office.  The SEC may have an interesting opportunity to demonstrate whether it is serious in going after those who target seniors.

On February 5, 2015, SEC Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar and Investor Advocate, Rick A. Fleming, gave speeches at The American Retirement Initiative Winter Summit about advocating for investors saving for retirement and protecting elderly investors from financial exploitation.

Under the umbrella theme of “retail investors,” the OCIE will be assessing alternative investment companies and the focus of the exams will be (i) liquidity, leverage and valuation; (ii) the way the funds are marketed; and (iii) the internal controls, staffing, funding and empowerment of boards, compliance and back-offices. Mutual funds with material exposure to interest rate increases will be reviewed by OCIE to ensure they have the appropriate compliance policies and procedures and trading and investment controls in place to prevent their disclosures from being misleading and to be sure their investment and liquidity profiles are consistent with the fund’s disclosures.

Assessing Market-Wide Risks – The OCIE will focus in 2015 on structural risks and trends that involve whole industries or multiple firms. In collaboration with the Division of Trading and Markets and the Division of Investment Management, the OCIE will monitor the largest asset managers and broker-dealers. Through a risk-based approach, the OCIE will conduct annual examinations of all clearing agencies that have been designated systemically important. Furthering the OCIE’s 2014 efforts to examine the cybersecurity preparedness of registrants, 2015 will see a continuation of the initiative and an expansion of the initiative to include transfer agents. OCIE will also be looking into whether firms are giving priority to trading venues due to credits or payments for order flow, thus violating their best execution duties.

Data Analytics – The OCIE has made strides in developing data analytics that it can use to identify and examine firms and other registrants that may be engaged in fraudulent or illegal activity. The examination initiatives the OCIE will be using data analytics to examine include recidivists, microcap fraud, excessive trading and anti-money laundering.

Other Initiatives – Along with the primary themes discussed above, the SEC will continue to examine never-before examined investment advisers and newly registered municipal advisers. Advisers to private equity funds can expect to have their fees and expenses examined as a result of OCIE’s observed high rates of deficiencies. In addition to examining proxy advisory service firms, OCIE will also look at investment advisers’ compliance with their fiduciary duty to vote proxies on their investors’ behalf.

Advisers and broker-dealers should always be prepared for an SEC examination and ensure all written policies and procedures are in place and regularly audited for efficacy and compliance. Should you be subject to an examination, any deficiencies noted by the SEC should be addressed and rectified in a timely manner.

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On February 3, 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) released two publications addressing cybersecurity at advisory and brokerage firms. The first publication, a Risk Alert, relays the findings from the examinations of more than 100 investment advisers and broker-dealers and focuses on how they: (i) establish cybersecurity policies, procedures and oversee the processes; (ii) identify cybersecurity risks; (iii) protect information and networks; (iv) identify and address the risks associated with funds transfer requests, remote access to client information and third-party vendors; and (v) detect activity that is unauthorized.  The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy released the second publication which provides tips for investors to better safeguard their online investment accounts. Their recommendations include using a strong password and a two-step verification process.

The SEC’s recent examinations found 93% of examined broker-dealers and 83% of examined investment advisers have adopted cybersecurity policies, though, whereas 89% of the broker-dealers periodically audit compliance with the policies, only 57% of investment advisers conduct periodic cybersecurity compliance audits.  The SEC continues to place high importance on cybersecurity and every broker-dealer and investment adviser should ensure they have adequate written policies and procedures in place and test them periodically.